Fall Prevention for the Elderly
This website, presented by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control includes valuable information on preventing injuries, specifically in seniors. It provides a checklist and many tips for preventing falls: beginning a regular exercise program, making your home safer, having medicines reviewed by a health care provider and having vision checked. Each tip links to more detailed information to help elders get ideas. The site also has facts and statistics on senior citizen falls, as well as publications related to the topic of senior fall prevention.
About.com's Back and Neck Pain Channel Focuses on Chiropractors
Visit this page on the Back and Neck Pain Channel at About.com for authoritative information about what chiropractic care is and how it helps patients living with neck and back pain. Readers will understand how this drug-free approach works and what its benefits are. Related articles deal with determining whether seeing a chiropractor is the right choice for you, the anatomy of the lower back and the spinal cord.
Exercising for Seniors: Moves You can Use
We know that staying active is important for all ages. Now elders can get some specific exercise information that is geared for those over 50. This page has some quick tips, such as how to eat healthy, why you should eat well and ways to increase eating pleasure. It also includes fitness information, including how to test your fitness level, and steps to begin strength training exercises. There are also ideas to begin endurance exercises. These are recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine. A huge database of tips on how to get started with exercise, start a senior walking program and manage diabetes with exercise are included.
Silver Sneakers: Staying Fit as Seniors
Get fit and make friends. This program is especially for aging adults and senior citizens, and offers a blend of physical activity, healthy lifestyle and socially oriented programming that lets seniors take control of their health. Members get a free fitness center membership, access to other fitness centers in the U.S., customized health classes, health education seminars on topics specifically about seniors and a senior advisor to help you get acquainted with the site. Fitness classes range from yoga to cardio. The Silver Sneakers Fitness Program is offered by leading Medicare health plans and Medicare Supplement carriers throughout the country at no additional cost, and provides a financially sensible way to stay fit, have fun and make new friends. Skim the database for a location near you!
20 Things About Chiropractic Care That Many Chiropractors Don't Tell the Public
This article at EdzardErnst.com is a guest post by Preston H. Long, a licensed chiropractor from Arizona. The lengthy post is an excerpt from his book, Chiropractic Abuse—A Chiropractor's Lament. Here, Mr. Long criticizes chiropractic care, and cited 20 things that most chiropractors allegedly don't tell their patients. According to him, chiropractic theory and practice are not based on the health, disease, and health care knowledge. He added that chiropractors make too much promises but their legitimate scope is very slim. Mr. Long also emphasized that cervical spine (neck) manipulation is potentially dangerous and that chiropractors only know a little nutrition.
Health Topics for the Elderly
The National Institute on Aging and the National Library of Medicine present this website, which offers plenty of information on elder health. Topics include cataracts, dry mouth, fitness for seniors, colorectal cancer, depression, breast cancer, shingles, strokes, paget’s disease, lunch cancer and high blood pressure. Check out the section of exercise stories, which feature older adults featuring the exercises they like, and how you can get into a better senior fitness routine. Seniors will enjoy the fact that they can adjust the size of text on the screen and get speech help with the topics on this site.